Monday, March 15, 2010

Cherry Blossom Thank You

This is the Thank You card for the Cherry Blossom-themed wedding. The front of the card is a very pale green that has been whitewashed. In fact, it's so light I had to do a little fudging with my scanner just to get the green to show up. The Cherry Blossom motif has been carried over and the words, "With Love & Thanks" is printed in blossom pink (doesn't appear pink because of the afore mentioned scanner fudging) on the bottom right corner of the card.

My bride was very, very happy!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Cherry Blossom Wedding

Spring is here and a good friend of mine is getting married. Portland streets are lined with Cherry Blossom trees (Japanese name: Sakura) and in the spring and summer, they are breathtaking. I volunteered to do her wedding invitations and she selected the Cherry Blossom theme. Everything else was left to me. Cherry Blossoms are hand colored and stamped onto vellum. The Please Join Us envelope is for the 5x5 card with the driving directions to the wedding, reception and bbq. I carried the Cherry Blossom theme over by using a blossom pink card for the directions and the same stamp on the vellum envelope.