Monday, March 15, 2010

Cherry Blossom Thank You

This is the Thank You card for the Cherry Blossom-themed wedding. The front of the card is a very pale green that has been whitewashed. In fact, it's so light I had to do a little fudging with my scanner just to get the green to show up. The Cherry Blossom motif has been carried over and the words, "With Love & Thanks" is printed in blossom pink (doesn't appear pink because of the afore mentioned scanner fudging) on the bottom right corner of the card.

My bride was very, very happy!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Cherry Blossom Wedding

Spring is here and a good friend of mine is getting married. Portland streets are lined with Cherry Blossom trees (Japanese name: Sakura) and in the spring and summer, they are breathtaking. I volunteered to do her wedding invitations and she selected the Cherry Blossom theme. Everything else was left to me. Cherry Blossoms are hand colored and stamped onto vellum. The Please Join Us envelope is for the 5x5 card with the driving directions to the wedding, reception and bbq. I carried the Cherry Blossom theme over by using a blossom pink card for the directions and the same stamp on the vellum envelope.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Oh, Baby!

Most of my girlfriends fit into three categories:
1) trying to have a baby
2) having a baby
3) recently had a baby

Last week, I thought about all the new babies in my life and came up with nine (in the past year)!
I made this card today, after a co-worker informed me that if/when the time comes, she wants me to do her shower cards and announcements. Now that's what I call advanced notice!

This card has a very gender-neutral color palette; green, blue, purple, pink and yellow. It would be great for the mommy who doesn't know what gender the baby is or knows, but wants to keep everyone in suspense. The hat is adorned with paper flowers and a crystal brad.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hand-painted Butterflies

Lots of layering with different colors and textures. The picture doesn't do these little guys justice. They are beautiful to see in person.

Wall Hanging: Carie's baby shower

This is a 12x12 layout I created for my girlfriend, Carie, who was pregnant with her son (although we didn't know what sex the baby was going to be...Carie opted for the element of surprise). I had all of our co-workers write a brief message and sign the pregnant profile. The blue square is for Carie to put a picture of the baby once he was born (I included a pink square underneath the background, just in case she had a girl). It was a huge hit.

The same layout was created for another co-worker, Lauren, and given to them during a lunch time baby shower. I made a mental note NOT to drink from the water fountain to avoid the pregnancy syndrome circulating through the office at the time. Carie and Lauren's sons were born three weeks apart.

Lilla's Hello Kitty

These Hello Kitty cards were made for Lilla's first birthday. Her theme was Hello Kitty and these cards will be sent to the friends and family who helped her celebrate the big day!

Thank You

Random idea for a thank you card. I wanted texture and surprise on the inside and outside of the card. An extra special element, all for the love of a big, toothy smile.

Let's Be Friends

Cat and mouse. Could it happen? Possibly. This is a nice ice-breaker card or maybe even an "I'm sorry I acted like a bonehead" card.


Sometimes, things get a little Ruff. Some people are a little Ruff around the edges. I Ruff You! Ruff-roh!! Whatever Ruff means to you, there's no denying that this little guy is so cute and guaranteed to put a smile on someone's face.

Miss You

I made this card for the St. Jude's charity a few years ago. The puppy looks a little lonesome as he sleeps under a night sky. The inside of the card very simply says, "Miss You."

Spring Blooms

I love spring flowers. Living in Oregon, you cherish the warmer months, the pops of color and the smell of flowers in the air (I love it even though I have allergies). After seven months of rain, it's wonderful to see color everywhere you go. This card captures what spring in Oregon looks like. Fresh, simple and brightly colored.

Tinker Bell

I have always loved Tinker Bell, so I handled this one with special care. Her wings are hand-painted and glittered. It was a lot of work, but very worth it. I think she's stunning against the black and white background.


Argyle was made for Allen. He loves earth-tone colors, especially when combined with a plaid pattern. I certainly had him in mind when I made this card. He loved it!