It's no secret amongst family and friends; I put out a yearly supply of handmade (of course!) holiday cards. I do my best to stay religion-neutral, as not all of my friends and family believe in "Christmas," "God," or "Baby Jesus." That doesn't make them right or wrong; each person is entitled to their own personal belief. What it does make them is the recipient of season-neutral HOLIDAY cards from me. Granted, some of the images or designs could be read into as "Christian-based," but that's for someone else to decide. Personally, I just want to make holiday cards that people can enjoy, regardless of how they feel about religion or "seasonal" imagery.
With that being said, I did not make cards last year, as I got caught up with buying my first home, moving, etc. There was simply no time to put into card making for the holidays. I start my cards in August, complete them by mid-October and have them in the mail by December 5th. This year, I started well into September and planned to complete by November 1st, but that didn't work out, either. I am happy to announce that they are completed and are now sitting on my craft desk in their envelopes.
I have a list of 85+ recipients each year. I added the '+' because I make a few extra for people who didn't make the first list and to account for the inevitable, "oops, i forgot about person X," or when my husband asks me --on the 23rd of December--if we have any more cards because he just ran into person X whom he hasn't seen or heard from in a million years."
So, here goes. My 2008 Holiday cards. I always make more than one design. As I mentioned in previous posts, I thoroughly enjoy making different designs so people can ask, "which one did you get?," and it cuts down on the monotony of seeing the same card in every house you visit. In previous years, I have made as many as four different designs. This year, I cut it down to two: Sugarplums and Reindeer.
Why? Why not? I hope you enjoy them!!