Saturday, December 20, 2008

Holidays08: Bath Snow

Well, it's no secret that money is tight for everyone this year. So, in an effort to spend a minimal amount of money but get a large yield of gifts, I decided to make scented bath salts for my girlfriends this year. I decided to call it "Bath Snow" because the salt itself is really fine and we're in the midst of a very rare blizzard (rarely snows here unless you live near the mountain or high in the hills).

For those of you that haven't tried making them, they are really easy to do and the expense is minimal. The most expensive part is the glass jars you put them in, but you can use any old jars; they don't have to be anything fancy or special. I normally find glass jars for $1-$3 at Michael's but they were out of those kind, and i couldn't find any mason jar sets at the stores (too close to the holidays, everyone is canning...or planning for canning). These glass jars all ran at $5, but again, this was the most expensive portion of the craft.

Anyway, to make the bath salts, all you do is buy a couple cartons of Epsom Salts (they sell it in the craft stores for $8 for a 12oz jar...but you can find them in your local supermarket or drugstore--i went to walgreens--for $2-$3 a 3lb. carton), essential oils or soap fragrance, vitamin E (drug store find) and soap dye. Some people use food coloring, but I don't recommend it, as it can turn your loved ones and their bathtub whatever color you chose. Not good!

Measure your salt to the size jar. I like to pour a bunch of epsom salt in the jar and then dump it into a bowl. Since your jars may be different shapes and sizes, it's hard to say, "use X cups." Dump your salts into a bowl, add your desired fragrance (start slowly cuz a little goes a long way), a squirt of vitamin E oil, and start adding your color (again, go slow). Mix with a whisker to get everything combined and put it in your jar(s). I put a small wooden craft spoon in each jar for the recipient to scoop their Bath Snow into the tub.

The purple is lavender (with real lavender flowers in it); yellow is linen/lilly of the valley; orange is tangerine/lychee, and the brown is vanilla/lavender. So yummy!

I made the tags using the JOTS cart ornament feature and tied it to the jars using silver elastic string.

Really easy project that's inexpensive and with a high yield. Besides, what women doesn't want to take a nice, relaxing bath with yummy scents?

Enjoy (and maybe even try it at home)!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Have Your Cake

Here's the second birthday card I made for another co-worker who shares my Dec. 1st birthday with me. I had a lot of fun making this card and love the "visual" interpretation of the saying, "Have your cake and eat it, too!" The six pink cakes are decorated with free-hand designs using glitter glue, and are assembled using popdots (double-sided foam circles) to create a 3D image. I also added metallic silver cake stands, also decorated with clear glitter and glitter candles on each cake. Card measures 61/2 x 5.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Jumpin' Jehosephats Frog Birthday

I first cut the frogs out using chipboard to add dimension and then cut the same frogs out in green cardstock. To add color depth, I sponged over the green paper in three different shades of green paint (Making Memories Scrapbook colors in Evergreen, Meadow and Honeydew) and then used Making Memories Scraphbook Pearl Glaze on top to add a nice sheen. Cheeks were made by using a combination of chalk ink, a blush shade of standard chalk and then standard white chalk to soften the color a bit. I also used bright yellow chalk to accent the hands and feet, slapped on some eyes and a green magic marker to trace the mouths. I also used a dark shade of green chalk ink on the outline of the frogs. I'm impatient, so you can see where my chalk ink smeared on the paper a bit. Oh well, that's how crafting goes; nothing is ever really perfect, right? Slapped some eyes and put the frogs on blue bubble paper in an up-and-down motion to make it look like they're jumping and printed Jumpin' Jehosephats on vellum and here you have it!

The inside of the card says, "You're THAT old?!?!?!?!"

Card measures 6 1/2" x 5" (duh!)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Daisy Chain (Modern)

By now, you've noticed I interpret "every day" things in an abstract manner. This is a modern version of a daisy chain. The muted yellow, orange, taupe and brown tones compliment each other and create depth of field on a very busy pattern. The design element appears distressed and also features a yellow "inked" border. I mounted this on orange cardstock and accented it with a hand-sewn zigzag border in cantaloupe floss. Card measures 5" x 5 1/16 and comes with envelope for mailing.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Christmas 2008: Reindeer

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is probably the first holiday song we learn as children. It's easy. It rhymes. It transports children (and adults) into a magical fantasy world where reindeer's are Super-Heroes. It is the ultimate in stretching the imagination and we all might as well admit it; we actively searched for reindeer, specifically Rudolph, and believed for the longest time that Rudolph and Santa existed and without that magical combination, gifts simply would not arrive in time for the morning delight.

I'm drawing a blank as to where the words, "Merry" and "Bright" in terms of the holiday season come from. I can't remember if it's from a movie, song or story, but I do know somewhere in the tradition of the winter holiday, there's a line stating, "All is Merry and Bright." Playing off of those five little words and finding the most perfectly understated paper with trees and "snowflakes" and having the two perfect reindeer, I created this card. The card features two fawn brown reindeer (they're kissing!), complete with red glittered noses (a la Rudolph), silver and gold glittered antlers, and black, glittered hooves. Topping off the entire design is the crushed velvet flocked ears and tail of each reindeer and a pair of "googley eyes." The word, "Merry" is written in silver pen on the left reindeer and "Bright" is written in gold on the right reindeer, tying in the color of their antlers. The inside of the card reads, "All is Merry and Bright this holiday season. Happy Holidays!"

Now, isn't this better than the 15 boring Santa cards you'll receive this year???

Christmas 2008: Sugar Plums

As kids, regardless of religion, we were all exposed to the famous story, "The Night Before Christmas," by Clement Clarke Moore or Henry Livingston. One of my favorite lines from the story is, "...the children were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of sugar plums danced in their heads." I always wondered exactly what dancing sugar plums looked like and hoped that one Christmas Eve, I would be able to see them in my head, too.

As I shopped for paper this summer, I found two lovely shades of purple, but wondered how in the world I could associate those two colors with the holiday season. I stared and stared at the paper until finally --after about 15 minutes-- my favorite line popped into my head.

Here, on paper, is my interpretation of dancing sugar plums.

I did my best with my camera to capture the light reflecting off of the sugar (literally, a very fine glitter with the texture of grains of sugar) against the rich plum colored circular pattern. The pattern itself is hand-painted with lavender, gold and silver paints before being "sugared." The pattern is layered on iced-amethyst cardstock with the words, "...the children were nestled all snug in their beds," above the design, and "while visions of sugar plums danced in their heads" below it. The inside of the card reads, "May visions of sugar plums dance in your head all season long. Happy Holidays!"

Christmas 2008: The journey

It's no secret amongst family and friends; I put out a yearly supply of handmade (of course!) holiday cards. I do my best to stay religion-neutral, as not all of my friends and family believe in "Christmas," "God," or "Baby Jesus." That doesn't make them right or wrong; each person is entitled to their own personal belief. What it does make them is the recipient of season-neutral HOLIDAY cards from me. Granted, some of the images or designs could be read into as "Christian-based," but that's for someone else to decide. Personally, I just want to make holiday cards that people can enjoy, regardless of how they feel about religion or "seasonal" imagery.

With that being said, I did not make cards last year, as I got caught up with buying my first home, moving, etc. There was simply no time to put into card making for the holidays. I start my cards in August, complete them by mid-October and have them in the mail by December 5th. This year, I started well into September and planned to complete by November 1st, but that didn't work out, either. I am happy to announce that they are completed and are now sitting on my craft desk in their envelopes.

I have a list of 85+ recipients each year. I added the '+' because I make a few extra for people who didn't make the first list and to account for the inevitable, "oops, i forgot about person X," or when my husband asks me --on the 23rd of December--if we have any more cards because he just ran into person X whom he hasn't seen or heard from in a million years."

So, here goes. My 2008 Holiday cards. I always make more than one design. As I mentioned in previous posts, I thoroughly enjoy making different designs so people can ask, "which one did you get?," and it cuts down on the monotony of seeing the same card in every house you visit. In previous years, I have made as many as four different designs. This year, I cut it down to two: Sugarplums and Reindeer.

Why? Why not? I hope you enjoy them!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Monkey Birthday

Ironically, this monkey is for my uncle who is married to my aunt, the recipient of the Hot Chik card. I'm not particularly sure if he likes monkeys, but I love them. This is actually a tri-fold card. The front flaps are covered in red cardstock featuring random drawings of Sock Monkey's with a large monkey face. Each monkey face has been embellished with flocking to add depth, texture and a separation in color for monkey-face definition. The caption, "Monkey See" is featured on the left panel (panel 1); "Monkey Do," is featured on the right panel (panel 2). The three panels on the inside of the card is covered in bright red paper with bright yellow bananas; the left and right panels feature a monkey holding a banana. Yes, the bananas are also covered in flocking. The center panel is captioned, "Monkey Goes Bananas," and is covered in yellow flocking. This is the heaviest card I've ever made (shipping was $0.56 in standard mail), but it's rather charming. The center back panel is uncovered. That's where I put my stamp, but it can also be used for writing your sentiment since the inside of the card is covered and quite busy. It can be written on, but I would suggest using a felt-tipped pen so the writing will show up. Card measures 6 1/2" x 5" when folded and approximately 15" x 5" when all three panels are showing. Includes envelope.

Hot Chik Birthday Card

I made this one for my aunt who adores baby chicks. The colors work perfectly together! The background is made of printed cardstock with brightly colored flowers that look as if they were made with watercolors (paints). The baby chick is made of cardboard covered with flocking. The cardboard ads a 3D effect and the flocking is made of crushed velvet, adding a fur-like texture to whatever you stick it to. The inside of the card contains a cardstock covered cardboard picture with rub-on letters spelling out " Hot Chik." Perfect for a birthday card or for your bestest girlfriend who may be having a low self-esteem moment (don't we ALL?). Card measures 6 1/2" x 5" and comes with envelope.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Bridal Bliss

I created this card for a bridal shower for an acquaintance. I used her bridal color, lavender, as my basis for this card. The background cardstock is lavender with etched flowers. The bridal gown has the appearance of hanging on a dress-form with a silver stand, as it would at a professional dress-maker's place of business. The gown itself is cut from real bridal satin (yes, I actually purchased it from a fabric store) and features a hand-sewn bridal lace trim on the hem of the gown. The dress also has an overlay of bridal veil netting (also purchased from a fabric store) and is cinched at the waist with several layers of lavender organza ribbon to add further depth and texture to the card. All fabric pieces are hand-sewn (by me) and attached to the satin dress-form to keep the material from shifting or slipping. This was not an easy card to make but I enjoyed the challenge of making it. Yet another example of an idea in my head coming to life on paper. If you would like to purchase this card, please note the dress form and netting are not customizable. Background cardstock and ribbon color are customizable.
Card measures 6 1/2" x 5" and includes envelope.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Unne Bonne Poire / Unne Bonne Paire

In French, "unne bonne poire" means "a good pear" and "unne bonne paire" means "a good pair."

I created this card based on the fact that I have all this lovely green paper and a pear die-cut and I wanted to some how create a card using the pear motif, but didn't want to write about fruit. It could be a thank you card, a "glad to you have you on my team/in my corner/by my side" card or whatever you want it to be. The pear on the left flips open so you can write a sentiment in there, as well as on the inside of the card. The flipped pear can be left blank as can the inside of the card for you to write your own sentiment if you prefer. Card measures 6 1/2" x 5" and includes envelope.

Nature's Elements: Stone

Working along the same "nature" theme, I added a graphic background as the base of the design. Using coordinating pieces of cardstock, I have created three design elements to this card. I love the way you can see the stones in the background and the design pattern above really draws your eye into the design. I really love this one (I know, I say that about all of them, but I mean it!). Card measures approximately 6 1/2" x 5" and includes envelope.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Nature's Elements: Moss

Green is my absolute favorite color. I live in the Pacific Northwest where it's quite rainy in the fall and winter months but there's never a shortage of green. Evergreens, perennials, and yes, moss. I fell in love with the beauty of moss long ago; the different textures, the varying colors of dark and light green, and even the smell of it. Did you know that there's even a type of moss that glows in the dark? As campers, we called it Nature's Flashlight. Okay, so wasn't that bright, but it glowed and it was beautiful. This card is a tribute to moss and it's varying hues of yellow and green. I like the shape of the focal design element; in an abstract way, it reminds me of a vine or the way certain types of ground-moss grows, reaching out and covering whatever surface it's on. The background is on dark green mulberry, again, it's fuzzy texture adding a special treat for your fingertips. The card measures 6 1/2" x 5" and includes envelope.

Nature's Elements: Poppy Field

This card is dirt! Well, actually, this card is inspired by dirt...Mother Nature provides us with copious amounts of dirt, mud, soil, "earth"...whatever you want to call it. Dirt provides nutrients for the food that is planted and harvested, and for the brilliant spectacle of floral life that we take for granted. I love the brilliance of poppies, and the image of a poppy field is always in my mind's-eye; the image I conjure up when I think of something peaceful and happy. Using the same color scheme as Sunset, I mounted the design onto a backdrop made of brown mulberry paper, The fibrous texture of mulberry and it's own natural imperfections make this card delighting for your senses of touch and sight. Card measures 6 1/2" x 5" and includes envelope.

Nature's Elements: Sunset

When I think of a brilliant sunset, I think of a fusion of various shades of red, yellow and orange. They constantly change and provide us with a light show better than any thing humans could dare to produce. This is my homage to just one of Mother Nature's gifts to mere mortals. I combined a hand-painted blend of reds, yellows and oranges on a simple design before adhering it to a bold red, yellow and orange backdrop. The colors of the backdrop and the design are very, very close but I wanted them to blend a bit, using the main design element as an enhancement rather than a standalone piece. As with the other cards in the Nature's Elements line, the color scheme and painting may vary as this is painted by hand. Card measures 6 1/2" x 5" and includes envelope.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Nature's Elements: Oasis

The Nature's Elements series is inspired by none other than Mother Nature. The dark blue background has been distressed and chalked to add depth. The lacy overlay has also been chalked with various shades of blue as you would see if you were looking at a beautiful oasis. Hand-chalking is a non-scientific method, therefore each card will be slightly different. Card measures 6 1/2" x 5" and includes envelope.

Thanks: Green & Pink

Another Thank You card for a friend, this time inspired by the combination of Sour Apple and Fruity Punch flavored candy I was nibbling at the time. Bad for the teeth, good for the creative juices!! This card features a delicate apple green background featuring white flowers and has slight distressing/inking on the outer portions. I added "fruit punch" colored text and a whimsical flourish on the bottom left, and embellished both with bubble-gum sparkles. Other color options and background styles are available. Card measures 6 1/2" x 5" and includes envelope.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Friendship Garden

How does your garden grow? It could grow on a delightful background of brightly colored and whimsical flowers! Complementary shade of yellow and orange paper was used to create the garden fence with the word Friendship. Bright green grass alternates between the posts of the fence to create the appearance of the fence nestled in the grass. A watering can created from fuchsia paper with enameled daisy brad add another element of texture. The watering can is further decorated with sparkles and appears to be showering the garden with a delicate shower of water, also created with sparkles. The sparkle effect for the water catches the light wonderfully. Excellent for a garden party invitation or as a card for a friend who enjoys gardening. Due to paper availability, the background for this card may vary. Card measures 6 1/2" x 5" and includes envelope.

Animal Crackers: Fishy Kisses

Yet another one I adore! The inspiration for this one came from trying to teach my friend's 3 year old daughter how to give fishy kisses. This pocket card was also donated to the Cards For Kids project.
Goldy's pocket card is created from ocean blue paper with the same circle pattern as Frog Prince. The words "Fishy Kisses" are cut and chalked onto the pocket of the card.
Goldy features hand-embossed scales and is chalked to add depth and goldfish-like coloring. Her fins are layered to create a 3D effect and like Frog Prince, she features a googly eye.
This card would also make a great party invitation, as Goldy can be taken out and played with. Goldy is approximately 3/16" thick and 4 1/2" wide, and is quite sturdy. The inside of the card is blank for your sentiments. Card measures 6 1/2" x 5" and includes envelope.

Animal Crackers: Frog Prince

I adore this card! It was originally created for a fundraiser for St. Jude's Children's Hospital in which card makers worldwide created and donate their handmade creations to the families of the young patients at St. Jude's. The cards were collected with the thought in mind that the families can give them to one another at the hospital or send them to other friends and families, since many of them may not have the time or resources to "just run out and pick up a card" due to their situations.
The inspiration for this card came to me on Mother's Day. I had just given my husband a peck and told him what a "prince" of a guy he was. The word prince kindled fond memories of fairy tales I read as a little girl and needless to say, the card was born.
Frog Prince is a pocket card on a green background with circle prints. The circles have always reminded me of, bubbles, frog swamp! Prince is double sided and embossed with a dot texture, creating a bumpy texture. He was then chalked to add depth and also to smooth out the bumpy texture to make it feel more natural. A bubble-gum pink tongue appears to be catching the handmade 3D dragonfly. No Prince is complete, of course, without a bejeweled gold crown (jeweling is featured on both sides) and googly eyes. The Frog Prince is removable from the fold, but the dragonfly is adhered to the card. The inside of the card is blank for your sentiments. This would be a great invitation for a kid party as the frog is quite sturdy and can be taken out and played with (approximately 3/16" thick and 4 1/2" wide). Card measures 6 1/2" x 5" and includes envelope.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Victorian wallpaper flower motif in purple on lavender inspired the design element on this card. Using a similar Victorian flower pattern in rose-tinted gold and mounted on violet paper brings the design to the forefront. The word "Inspire" makes a bold statement at the bottom. Both the floral design and "Inspire" have been hand-glittered to add a little bling. The picture of this card does not do it justice as the glitter really sparkles when the light hits it! Color options may vary.Card measures 6 1/2" X 5" and includes envelope.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


This card features a lavender metallic cardstock plate mounted on a black background to provide contrast. The front has been embossed with an Indian tapestry style theme. I so love this design that I am actively seeking the same design in silk to use as a decorative element in my dining room! As this card is black, I suggest using a bright colored or metallic pen for creating your sentiment. The card can also be created on a white or ivory card, but the contrast has better impact on a black background. A variety of color options are available. Card measures 6 1/2" x 5" and includes envelope.

Filigree Swirls

I love these swirls! They are so delicate but bold at the same time. The swirls are embossed on hand-distressed, chocolate-brown cardstock and delicately chalked to add depth to the pattern. The chocolate brown cardstock is mounted onto another piece of cardstock in the matching color of chalk used. Please click on the image of the swirl pattern to see the detailing. Wide variety of color options available. Cards measure 6 1/2" x 5" and include envelope.

Ladies' Dress (and history lesson!)

This card was inspired by Miss Anne Lowe and Mrs. Ruth Alexander. Strange names to you, but to me, they meant the world. Miss Anne and "Nan" were the two women who created the wedding gown for Miss Jacqueline Bouvier when she married a young senator named John F. Kennedy. As an African-American designer, it shocked the fashion world that a young social-elite would have the most important gown of her life (and as it later turns out, one of the most popular wedding gowns in history) created by a black woman. By the time I came to know Miss Anne and Nan, they lived in a modest house in Queens, NY. Nan was my babysitter and she was also caretaker to Miss Anne who had by then gone blind in both eyes. I have very fond memories of playing with my Godsister and Godbrother (grandchildren of Nan, hence the nickname) and their cousin on and around Miss Anne. We played on her bed, cuddled with her, talked to her, etc. and she knew each of us by voice and footsteps in the hall. You can find more information on Miss Anne Lowe at or

This card reminds me of their place in history, although not widely known or appreciated for the accomplishment. It features a dress on an old-fashioned dress form, along with matching shoe, purse and hatbox. The purse is embellished with a heart "clasp." The squiggles on the pink background remind me of thread in a sewing machine or needle. Done in all white, the card would make an ideal wedding shower invitation or wedding-day card. Other color options are also available. This card measures 6 1/2" x 5" and includes envelope.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Thank You Cards

This Thank You card features a colonial blue and yellow leaf theme with a matching blue band and the word "Thanks" attached to the center. "Thanks" is embellished with clear sparkles and small, layered blue and yellow paper flowers on either side, affixed with small silver brads. This card was created for a friend whose house is decorated in colonial blue and yellow. Other thank you cards can be created with a similar idea but background paper may vary, depending on paper supply and availability. Card measures 6 1/2"x 5" and includes envelope.

Floral Fantasy

This card features a negative-embossed floral plate created on white cardstock and is hand-colored using a combination of bold and pastel colors. The white cardstock is mounted on a black background, providing a bold yet delicate contrast of colors. As the card is black, the best option for creating your own sentiment(s) on the inner portion of the card would be to use a bright or metallic colored pen (most stores with a pen or stationery section will carry these types of pens). Card measures 6 1/2" x 5" and includes envelope.

Friendship Cards

These Friendship cards feature layered flowers in gradual sizes and complementary colors with a clear gem in the middle and the word "friends" at the bottom. Other color palates available per your request. Darker colors can often be more suitable for a male recipient and brighter, bold colors are often more suitable for female recipients. Card measures 6 1/2" x 5" and includes envelope.

So Sweet

Confection-Inspired Card featuring an ice cream cone and a cupcake with pink-on-pink frosting and glitter-swirls on a swirl-embossed, hot fudge-colored background. Card measures 6 1/2"x 5" and includes the envelope.

The Wisdom Collection

These pocket-cards are made to impart words of wisdom to friends, family and loved-ones. The pocket-folds are embellished with various elements such as paper accents, charms, chalk or marker. The quotes are printed on vellum and have an accent element that makes it possible for them to be used as bookmarks or suitable for framing. Like most of my other cards, the inside is left blank for you to write a personal sentiment to the recipient. Wisdom sentiments may vary by theme, or you can request your own personal sentiment to be printed. Paper will also vary due to theme (masculine or feminine, florals, etc.) and availability. Cards are 6 1/2" x 5" and come with envelope.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


This card features a wheelbarrow overflowing with blossoms in contrasting shades of violet. The wheelbarrow is poised in the grass as if it were left there by a gardener, against a summer sky.

The idea came to me from an old Bible passage, "My cup runneth over." It made me think of things that were bountiful; blessings, love, flowers...

I think this would make a great summer/spring garden party invitation or a card one would give to a lady whether she likes to garden or not. There's something soft and feminine about it, and it is truly one of my favorites (aren't they all?!). This card measures approximately 6 1/2" x 5" and includes the envelope. Due to paper availability, the sky and grass may also vary from the picture. The flower colors can vary (you pick 'em, I'll make 'em). I prefer to do the wheelbarrow in silver as it looks more authentic, but that can be changed upon request.

Vivid Dreams

I call this one 'Vivid Dreams' because of the contrast between the bright pink against the black on this card. The center is cut out to make a window. The inside of the card is a die-cut embellished with a square-shaped crystal in the center, mounted on swirl-embossed paper in matching pink, which is also mounted on dot-embossed paper in black. A pink epoxy sticker that says "Dream" is placed bottom center to complete the card.

The inside of the front flap is ivory, so your sentiment could be written there and continue on the back, or the card can be sent
as-is. Card measures 6 1/2" x 5" and includes envelope.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Friendship Double Pocket Card

This is a green and dusty rose double pocket card. The sentiment is printed on vellum and has double corners on each end. A bookmark with the word "friends" in dusty pink is also included. It is embellished with a red fabric flower and bronze dragonfly. The green paper is decorated with small, dusty rose colored flowers and black stems. You may click on the image to enlarge and see the fine detailing. The inside of the card is dusty rose cardstock. This card measures approximately 5 1/2" x 5 1/2". Colors and sentiments can be modified to fit your request.